Tax Information


Thank you for donating to the M-A Athletic Boosters and supporting all of our many athletics programs.  Our athletes rely on your generosity and are grateful for your continued sponsorship.  

  • M-A Athletic Boosters is a 501 (C) (3) organization
  • All donations are tax deductible
  • M-A Athletic Boosters Tax ID #: 30-0044044

Menlo Atherton Athletic Boosters is a registered non-profit charitable organization:

Tax Donation Receipts:

The majority of donations are made through PayPal:  

  • You do NOT need a PayPal account to donate.
  • For your convenience, PayPal automatically sends payment confirmations to the donor's email address when donations are processed.  The donation confirmation email will say, "Receipt for your payment to Menlo Atherton Athletic Boosters".
  • Please print the email payment confirmation for your tax files. 
  • M-A Athletic Boosters Tax ID #: 30-0044044

Donations made by check:

  • For your convenience, you can print a copy of your check donation from your online bank statement for your tax files. 
  • M-A Athletic Boosters Tax ID #: 30-0044044
  • If you prefer a tax donation letter to be emailed to you, please provide the following information to the financial secretary (here):
  1. Donor FULL name and email address (required)
  2. M-A athlete FULL name and sport played (required)
  3. Donation amount (if possible)
  4. Year donation made (if possible)